You Only Live Once

Monday, December 10, 2018

Creamy and Cheesy Hybrid Cross Corn

This corn recipe in which I think is also known as "Binatog"..
I came to decide to cook  after I saw the left over corn inside the fridge.. instead of throwing it.. much better to recook instead, as binatog.

2 pieces medium size Boiled Corn 
2 tablespoons  butter of Magnolia Dari Creme
1/4 cup water
Cheese powder (it depends of your desired taste)

1. Remove the corn kernels from the corn cob with knife. Set aside.
2. Heat the pan and put the butter to melt.
3. Put the kernels and stir.
4. Add water and stir constantly until tender.
5. Sprinkle the cheese powder of your desired taste and stir again until
6. SERVE. 

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